Detroit: Still Smoldering

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” ― Janet Fitch, White Oleander   By some accounts, Detroit is a city on the rebound. The rebirth of Detroit has been attributed to a variety of factors. This article will discuss the impact of programs and events leading to the perception of growth and current revenue-generating efforts include…

From Abandonment To Art: Healing in Poletown

The gates are chained, the barbed-wire fencing stands, An iron authority against the snow, And this grey monument to common sense Resists the weather. Fears of idle hands, Of protest, men in league, and of the slow Corrosion of their minds, still charge this fence. Beyond, through broken windows one can see Where the great…

P6: People Last

     “The monuments of ruination” as Herron (2012) states, are macabre reminders of corporate socialism and its incestuous bedfellows within the institutions of politics, religion, the courts, and unionized factions. There are various opinions about who is to blame, however the end result is the same: In 1981, one third of a neighborhood was…

We Are Detroit: Equal and Opposite Forces

“Sir Isaac Newton first presented his three laws of motion in the ‘Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis’ in 1686. His third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also exerts an equal…